We provide a balanced, developmentally appropriate and challenging program focusing on the social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth and development of each child.

Our Philosophy

We believe children learn through play. When children are stimulated in an environment of interaction new skills emerge and confidence grows. At Helping Hands our curriculum is rooted in current proven child care practices. Our knowledgeable staff follows emergent child care practices and gear programming towards the development of each child by responding to the interests, questions, and concerns generated in the classroom.

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“Toddlers learn with their whole bodies-not just their heads. They learn more through their hands than they do through their ears. They learn by doing, not only buy just thinking… Toddlers solve problems on a physical level (Gonzalex-Mena,1986)”.

Our Centre is licensed for two classrooms of 10 children, with two teachers in each room.

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  • Nurture a sense of autonomy

  • Help with the task of separation

  • Provide children with a safe environment for movement

  • Foster self-help skills

  • Allow for sensory motor exploration as toddlers learn most through muscle skill mastery and manipulative exploration

Meals & Snack Time

Food For Thought

Everyday a morning snack, afternoon snack and hot noon meal are provided. All meals are nutritionally balanced to supply the needed nourishment for your child and follow Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating.

  • Due to the severity of Anaphylactic Allergies there is no outside food or drinks permitted inside the centre, unless approved by the Owner or Program Supervisor.
  • Helping Hands is a nut free building.
  • Parents are responsible for providing a bottle and/or training cups if their child is not yet able to manage the cups provided.
Monday: Toast & Jam
Tuesday: Cereal with Milk
Wednesday: Blueberry Pancakes
Thursday: Oatmeal
Friday: Mini Frittatas

Junior & Senior Preschool

Preschoolers “become empowered in play to do things for themselves, to feel in control, to test and practice their skills, and to affirm confidence in themselves. Play is important for children’s developing sense of competence (Isenberg,1997).”

We are licensed for 2 Preschool rooms (21/2 -5years) one of 16 children with 2 full-time staff and one of 8 children with 1 full-time staff.

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  • Provide dimensions of environments by having a variety of materials

  • Allow active participation for your children as decision-makers

  • Create an environment for learning through play by having clearly defined centres

  • Follow a schedule to help ease with transitions

  • Foster self-help skills

  • Begin Jolly Phonics programming

  • Build number concepts

Our Facility

Feel like dropping by? We’d love to meet you and your family!

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Thank you for visiting our website. Please let us know if you have any questions, we would be happy to answer them!

We look forward to seeing you and your family at Helping Hands in the future!

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